Biodiversity Informatics and Taxonomy

People: Donatella CesaroniValerio SbordoniGiuliana AllegrucciAntonella Canini, Alessandro TravagliniRoberta Congestri
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  • Research directed towards the creation and interoperability of networks linking computerized databases on biodiversity at different geographical scale: regional (Regional Biodiversity Observatory of Latium), national (national network) and international (Life Watch). Cartographic mapping (Web GIS) and elaboration of predictive models of spatial and temporal distribution of animal species. (Donatella Cesaroni, Valerio Sbordoni)
  • Taxonomy and phylogeny in several animal taxa. (Giuliana Allegrucci, Donatella Cesaroni, Valerio Sbordoni)
  • Conservation of Nature: study of flora and vegetation in M. Simbruini Regional Natural Park in Latium  the and in the SCI Mountains Ruffi and M. Guadagnolo. Study of phenology of Quercus and Cupressus in Rome. Study of urban green. (Alessandro Travaglini)
  • Research directed towards the realization of databases for the use of a botanical molecular taxonomy. Constitution of a bank for the germplasm conservation in the Botanical Garden, using systems of seed bank and in vitro culture. (Antonella Canini)
  • Microalgal diversity along Latium coasts, long-term dataset implementation; Planktic and benthic microalgal diversity of Latium coasts, collaboration with Regional Environmental Protection Agency in the frame of Marine Strategy Programme, long-term dataset implementation. (Roberta Congestri)